The shotgun’s effectiveness in sport and personal protection remains unparalleled when properly used. This course introduces students to the modern shotgun and covers the basics of the lawful use of a shotgun for defense purposes. It covers both semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns.
Prerequisite: None
Course Outline:
- 4 universal safety rules
- Responsible firearms ownership and applications of the shotgun
- Firearms safety for the home, workplace and vehicle
- Locking devices and techniques for firearms to prevent unauthorized access
- Potential dangers (penetration, ricochet, accidental discharges and etc…)
- Know your gun
- Loading and unloading
- Grip and stance
- Basic elements of marksmanship
- Ready positions
- Components and operation of modern shotguns
- Types, components and purposes of modern shotgun ammunition
- The fundamental of basic shooting techniques
- Live fire practice
Duration: 1 hr
Tuition: $100 private